Seniors of CPRA

Challenges & Opportunities for improvement


Challenges in Geriatric Care in India

  • Healthcare Infrastructure: India’s healthcare infrastructure is often inadequate to meet the growing demands of the elderly population. There is a scarcity of geriatric care facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers. Existing healthcare facilities may lack the necessary resources, specialized equipment, and trained healthcare professionals to address the unique needs of older adults.
  • Access to Healthcare: Many elderly individuals in India face barriers in accessing healthcare services. Factors such as geographical distance, lack of transportation, financial constraints, and illiteracy can prevent them from seeking necessary medical attention. This issue is particularly prevalent in rural areas, where healthcare facilities are limited.
  • Chronic Diseases and Multimorbidity: With aging, the prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, and neurodegenerative conditions increases. Older adults often experience multimorbidity, where they have multiple co-existing health conditions. Managing complex medical needs and coordinating care among various specialists can be challenging for both patients and caregivers.
  • Social Support and Ageism: Traditional familial support systems that once provided care for older adults are changing, leading to an increased risk of social isolation and neglect. Ageism, or the stereotyping and discrimination based on age, is a significant concern. Older adults may face disrespect, abuse, or neglect within their families or society, affecting their mental and emotional well-being.

Opportunities for Improvement in Geriatric Care

  • Geriatric Training and Education: Incorporating geriatric care into medical and nursing education can enhance healthcare providers’ understanding of the unique needs of older adults. Continuing education programs and workshops can help update healthcare professionals on the latest geriatric care practices.
  • Policy and Regulatory Framework: Developing comprehensive policies and regulations that address the specific requirements of geriatric care is crucial. This includes ensuring the availability of geriatric care services, promoting preventive healthcare, establishing quality standards for geriatric care facilities, and addressing elder abuse and neglect through legal frameworks.
  • Integration of Primary and Geriatric Care: Strengthening primary healthcare services by integrating geriatric care can enhance early detection, preventive measures, and holistic management of health conditions in older adults. This approach would involve regular health check-ups, health promotion campaigns, and better coordination between primary care physicians and geriatric specialists.
  • Community-Based Support Systems: Establishing community-based support systems can help mitigate social isolation and promote the well-being of older adults. These can include senior citizen centers, day care programs, recreational activities, and intergenerational initiatives that facilitate social engagement and companionship.
  • Technology-Enabled Solutions: Technology, such as telemedicine, remote monitoring devices, and assistive technologies, can play a significant role in improving access to geriatric care services. These innovations can bridge the gap between healthcare providers and older adults residing in remote or underserved areas, enabling remote consultations, medication management, and health monitoring.